Thursday, March 26, 2020

Class- 12th Biology, Chapter-1, Reproduction in organism, Lecture-1

Lifespan  - Each and every organism can live only for a certain period of time.The period from birth to the natural death of an organism represents its life span. It may vary from a day to thousand's of years.

Life span of few organisms are as follows:- 
Elephant 75 years
Rose 10 years
Dog 15 to 20 years
Butterfly 1 to 2 weeks
Crow 15 years
Banana tree 25 years
Cow 25 years
Parrot 140 years
Crocodile 60 years
Horse 50 years
Fruit fly one month
Rice plant 4 months
Tortoise 100 to 150 years
Banyan tree 300 to 500 years
Mayfly one day (shortest lifespan)

# lifespan of organisms are not necessarily correlated with their sizes.
example -the sizes of crows and parrots are not very different yet their lifespan shows a wide difference.

#Whatever be the lifespan,  death of every individual organism is a certainty, i.e. no individual is immortal except single celled organisms.

#In single celled organisms death does not occur because their single celled body divides by binary fission producing two identical daughter individual. Here no dead body is found so they are considered as immortal.

Phases of lifespan

1. Juvenile phase - It is the pre-reproductive phase during which only vegetative growth takes place.

2. Reproductive phase - During this phase the reproductive organs develop and become function.

3. Aging or senescence- This phase is characterized by gradual deterioration of vital capacity is the terminal stage of ageing before death is called senescence.

4. Death- It is the end of life of an organism.


  1. Ma'am please tell how many lectures are planned for first chapter?

    1. Around 12-15 lectures..these are complete detailed notes


Class 12th, Chapter-1, Reproduction in organism, Lecture-3

Asexual reproduction in protists and monerans:- #In protists and monerans, the organisms or the parent cell divides into two to give rise to...